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About Me


I’m a personal trainer and wellness coach, and I’m on a personal mission to help women over 50 live with vitality and without pain. I say personal because I know first-hand what physical challenges mid-life can bring, and how we, as women, can address these challenges.

Here’s the thing. Even if you spent the better part of your life being active and athletic, there comes a

time when you realize you’re not in Kansas anymore, and the things you did to feel fit and fabulous in

your 20, 30s and 40s no longer work.

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When I entered midlife, I found myself in constant pain, and started experiencing injury upon injury despite maintaining the activity level of my former years. After a serious fall left me with a broken wrist, an injured shoulder and excruciating pain that just wouldn’t let up, I decided it was time to stop pushing through. I needed to research the cause of my ailing health and finally address it.

Based on the findings of my research, and my knowledge as a certified personal trainer and health coach, I established a prescription for healthy aging that left me feeling stronger and healthier than ever – and now I’m excited to share it with you.


This prescription includes quality sleep, balanced hormones, proper nutrition, strength training,

adequate rest and recovery, and last but not least, a healthy mindset.


When we take an active role in our own aging process, we set ourselves up to thrive for decades. If you’re feeling let down by your body, register for my 8 week or 12 week Personal 1:1 Training Program.

I look forward to partnering with you.


Let me help you kickstart your healthy aging journey.

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